Monday, December 20, 2010
Daily Battles of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
Did you know that we are in a war every day? We see the casualties everywhere—people falling from disease, divorce and tragedy. Looking around at all the suffering, we may think the battles in hospitals and divorce courts are being lost. But in reality, we’re losing the advanced and more important conflict—the battle in our minds. More...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World
Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World
By Dr. Brian Campbell - Rev. Jim Angelakos
By Dr. Brian Campbell - Rev. Jim Angelakos
The Bible is best mental health text book ever written! And God's Word is the best counselor. "Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World" focuses on 33 topics relevant to psychological problems encountered by Christians. It is designed for people who are hurting and the counselors who help them.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Marriage Prayer: A Prescription to Change the Direction of Your Marriage By Patrick Morley, David Delk
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
For the guys @mashable Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life By Spencer Johnson
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Assemblies of God National Youth Convention - Detroit 2010. Follow the evening services at or on Twitter #nycdetroit2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
John Maxwell - The Three Stages of Equipping
Click Here to check out John's book, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently"
Click Here to check out John's book, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently"
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Mark Batterson kicks off a new sermon series this weekend called Legends. It's a biographical series on people like Gideon, Samuel, David, Esther, and Nehemiah.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Be Strong by Larry Patton
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
The Lord is calling Joshua to action by charging him to be Moses’ replacement and lead the people of Israel across the river Jordan into the promised land. This was no small or simple task that our Lord was calling him to do. Joshua was probably very scared, very anxious, and fearful at this point in his life.
Joshua had to be overwhelmed because several times in this first chapter, the Lord says to be strong and courageous. Therefore, I looked up the Greek for strong and courageous to see what additional insight I could gain. The Greek translation is "to fasten upon, hence, to seize, repair, obstinate, to bind, restrain, conquer and to be alert both physically and mentally".
The Lord was equipping and preparing Joshua for the task at hand. The Lord did not stop there; He then promises that He would be with him every step of the way to assure success.
I think about difficult challenges and hurdles in life that we face on a regular basis. These challenges might be related to family, health, the economy, a job or a combination of these. They may seem huge and overwhelming and you are anxious and scared.
As we face our challenges and hurdles, just as our Lord told Joshua, be strong and courageous. Know also our Lord is going to be there with you! Do you need to reach out and ask our Lord for strength and courage today? Do you realize the presence of our Lord is with you?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Trying to Please by Seth Godin
Who is your marketing or your product or your effort trying to please?
Every campaign that I've ever seen fail has failed for precisely the same reason: it pleases the wrong person. Think about it... it wouldn't have launched if it hadn't pleased the boss or the client, right? Pleasing the wrong person meant failure.
The same thing is true on a deeper level in your career choice or what you write or what you say or what you sell or how you sell it: if you are working hard to please the wrong people, you'll fail.
Does that critic or that buyer or that spouse or that girlfriend or that investor really matter as much as you think they do?
Every campaign that I've ever seen fail has failed for precisely the same reason: it pleases the wrong person. Think about it... it wouldn't have launched if it hadn't pleased the boss or the client, right? Pleasing the wrong person meant failure.
The same thing is true on a deeper level in your career choice or what you write or what you say or what you sell or how you sell it: if you are working hard to please the wrong people, you'll fail.
Does that critic or that buyer or that spouse or that girlfriend or that investor really matter as much as you think they do?
Monday, June 14, 2010
When Church Leaders Fall Into Sexual Sin by Patrick Morley
Last week I received an email from a man distraught because his pastor admitted to marital infidelity. Two elders had to leave for the same reason. And several families in his church have also had to endure the anguish of unfaithful husbands. These were all men who knew the Scriptures and were serving the Lord.
The question: "How is this possible?"
Here's my answer:
Ah, the great mystery - why do men suddenly abandon everything they've professed for another woman? And what are we to make of it?
Some men fall into sin for a season, but others, no doubt, never truly and earnestly believed at all (so says the Bible at 2 Timothy 3:1-6). As Kierkegaard posed, "Are all who call themselves Christian, Christian?"
It's not what we see that counts, but what's in men's hearts. At my age I've learned that when things look good they're never really as good as they seem, and when things look bad they're never really that bad. I'm speaking of men's hearts.
I suggest God's Word as our starting point. What does the Bible say about such things - pastors and elders caught in infidelity? Paul explained it to the believers in Rome by noting that people get off track when they exchange the truth of God for a lie, or the glory of God for an idol (Romans 1:23, 25). Those are two foundations for sin creeping in, and for God turning men over to their lusts.
We all have sinful natures, and forcing or subtly encouraging men--especially leaders--to "pretend" they don't sin leads to cover-ups and, therefore, gives sin a safe place to fester and grow. That's why being in a men's small group where you do life on life is so valuable.
I wish we could have "once for all" victory over sin, but the Bible says that in this life our fallen flesh is at war with the Spirit (Galatians 5:17). That explains a lot. To paraphrase Pascal, the Fall is an offense to human reason, but once accepted it makes perfect sense of the human condition.
The solution? Preach repentance and preach the gospel of grace-or if that's not your call, move to a church that does. As long as men feel they have to "pretend" to be more spiritual than they really are, they will often collapse under the pressure. What relief to not have to pretend "I'm good." What relief to realize I don't have to "deserve" grace.
Finally, it's good to remember that when God turns a true believer over to his sin, it is good--it is to bring about his eventual repentance and surrender. For example, 1 Corinthians was written, in part, to discipline a man's caught in sexual sin with his father's wife (1 Corinthians 5:1-5).
But 2 Corinthians was written to restore the man: "The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. How instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow" (2 Corinthians 2:6-7).
I know it seems like a lot of people get hurt in these affairs, and they do, yet God is in control. He is not caught off guard. He is not up in heaven wringing His hands about how it will all turn out. Instead, He is sovereignly orchestrating all human events - all the seemingly random circumstances of our lives - to bring us into right relationship with Him and right relationship with each other.
He will redeem that which seems like a lost cause. The surgeon's scalpel must inflict pain to remove the cancer that would otherwise destroy.
It's His creation, His purpose, His plan, His will, His glory, His patience, His grace, His mercy, His Christ, His salvation, His Spirit, His love. Here's what keeps me going: the sovereignty of God. If He's not in control, then I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning.
Patrick Morley
Patrick Morley
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
LIFE TRUTHS: Ancient Wisdom for Today by Jim Angelakos
Monday, May 17, 2010
Why Aren't More Men Leading Powerful, Transformed Lives? by Patrick Morley
Men, and especially younger men, have become one of our largest neglected people groups. Men are confused about what it means to be a man, much less a man of God. How did they get so confused?
They've run the wrong race (Galatians 5:7). As a result, they've conformed to the values and customs of this world (Romans 12:2). As a result, they've been taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophy (Colossians 2:8). That yeast has worked its way through the whole batch of dough (Galatians 5:9). As a result, they've exchanged truth for a lie (Romans 1:25). And now it has become a crisis. How do we clear up this confusion?
Some men really don't know how to live their lives. They don't have the knowledge to grasp what it means to follow Christ--not really.
For others, they already know what they need to do; that's not the problem. Their problem is that they lack power to do what they already know they should do.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Spirit and Power of Elijah by David Wilkerson
The Old Testament closes out with this glorious prophecy: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse" (Malachi 4:5-6).
Jesus said of John, "If you will receive it, this is Elijah, which was for to come" (Matthew 11:14). What Christ was saying is, "John the Baptist has the spirit and power of Elijah upon him—if you could just see it." We are told the angel of the Lord prophesied to Zachariah that his son John would "go forth before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord" (Luke 1:17).
I believe Malachi's prophecy is for today also. I believe that once again God is going to put upon many of his chosen servants the spirit and power of Elijah. And these men and women of God are going to be mightily used to bring about a restoration of families. Divorces will be canceled! Children will be convicted of their rebellion and be restored in love to their parents.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Can We Help You Grow, and Equip You to Help Others Grow? by Patrick Morley
A disciple is someone called, equipped, and sent--called to live "in" Christ, equipped to live "like" Christ, and sent to live "for" Christ. Does this describe the men in your church?
We find the majority of men who profess faith are not disciples who lead powerful transformed lives by Christ. And most of them hate it! That's why we exist. And we want to partner with you to change that.
How can we help you grow, and equip you to help others grow?
* You can study the Bible with me individually or start a new group using the online Video Bible Study or podcast through iTunes. (Subscribe to the weekly podcasts by typing "Patrick Morley" in the search window at the iTunes Store.) We have 35 different series to choose from including The Man in the Mirror "remix" and Spiritual Disciplines.
We find the majority of men who profess faith are not disciples who lead powerful transformed lives by Christ. And most of them hate it! That's why we exist. And we want to partner with you to change that.
How can we help you grow, and equip you to help others grow?
* You can study the Bible with me individually or start a new group using the online Video Bible Study or podcast through iTunes. (Subscribe to the weekly podcasts by typing "Patrick Morley" in the search window at the iTunes Store.) We have 35 different series to choose from including The Man in the Mirror "remix" and Spiritual Disciplines.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
NOT WHO YOU THINK THEY ARE: A Profile of the People Who Attend America's Megachurches
Have you wondered what it would be like to go to the nearest megachurch, sit down in one of their comfy chairs, get inside the mind of the congregation, and see their church as they do? You wouldn't be alone – in a typical week more than 5 million people attend megachurches across America.
So who are these folks? What attracts them and keeps them at these churches? And how do the attitudes and spiritual activities of these people compare with attenders in churches of other sizes?
Over the last 10 years we have learned quite a bit about U.S. megachurches, both the facts and fictions about these very large Protestant churches of 2,000 or more weekly attenders. However, until now, very little was known about those who attend these churches. This report summarizes the initial learnings from the first major national survey of megachurch attenders.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope exists to feed millions of people in need in the United States and around the world through children’s nutrition initiatives, citywide outreaches and disaster response.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Jesus Christ is Alive!
"The great Easter truth is not that we are to live newly after death - that is not the great thing - but that we are to live here and now by the power of the resurrection; not so much that we are to live forever as that we are to, and may, live nobly now because we are to live forever." -Phillip Brooks
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Empty Cross, The Empty Tomb by Adrian Warnock
Although we talk about the death of Jesus often, for some reason we have tended to only mention the resurrection at Easter time. Christians sometimes even say Jesus died to save us without mentioning that he also rose for our salvation. It's time to redress the balance a bit and talk more about Jesus' death and resurrection.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Jesus Christ's Resurrection: The Exclamation Point by Hank Hanegraaff
The physical resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of our faith. Without it, Christianity crumbles. It is precisely because the physical resurrection of Christ is at the very heart of Christianity that it is constantly under attack. Our culture frequently denies the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ due to a bias against miracles. It is common for aberrant Christianity and cultism to deny the physical resurrection of Christ as well. For these reasons, we must be equipped to defend this essential of essentials. To do so, let's look back at the biblical and historical records of Christ's resurrection.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Danger! Don't Build on a Weak Foundation by Austin Pryor
America's largest electric utility. Our largest independent steel company. The largest gas company. The country's largest business monopoly. The New York Stock Exchange. And the Bank of International Settlements.
In 1923, the presidents of these six prestigious institutions came together in Chicago for a meeting of many of the world's most successful financiers. Jesse Livermore, Wall Street's most famous speculator of the day, was also in attendance. They were all men of great wealth, stature, and influence. Yet, within 25 years, these seven men had discovered what we all learn eventually — the world just doesn't offer enough. One man had gone to prison, another was insane. Two died penniless. Three were suicides. All had mastered the art of making a living, but none had learned how to live.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Easter: Living Life in the Future Tense by Paul Anderson
I recently read an article called, "How You Can Tell When It's Going to be a Rotten Day." It was signed "Author Unknown But Troubled." You're going to have a bad day when:
- You wake up and your braces are locked together.
- The birds singing outside your window are buzzards.
- You put both contact lenses in the same eye.
- You head for work and your car horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell's Angels on the freeway.
- Your boss tells you not to bother to take your coat off.
- Your income tax check bounces.
- Feeling the stress, you call Suicide Prevention -- and they put you on hold.
We had one of those days recently at the Anderson household.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter by Martin Luther
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." Hebrews 12:2-3
Let us meditate a moment on the passion of Christ. Some do so falsely in that they merely rail against Judas and the Jews. Some carry crucifixes to protect themselves from water, fire, and sword, and turn the suffering of Christ into an amulet against suffering. Some weep, and that is the end of it. The true contemplation is that in which the heart is crushed and the conscience smitten. You must be overwhelmed by the frightful wrath of God who so hated sin that he spared not his only begotten Son. What can the sinner expect if the beloved Son was so afflicted? It must be an inexpressible and unendurable yearning that causes God's Son himself so to suffer. Ponder this and you will tremble, and the more you ponder, the deeper you will tremble.
Take this to heart and doubt not that you are the one who killed Christ. Your sins certainly did, and when you see the nails driven through his hands, be sure that you are pounding, and when the thorns pierce his brow, know that they are your evil thoughts. Consider that if one thorn pierced Christ you deserve one hundred thousand.
The whole value of the meditation of the suffering of Christ lies in this, that man should come to the knowledge of himself and sink and tremble. If you are so hardened that you do not tremble, then you have reason to tremble. Pray to God that he may soften your heart and make fruitful your meditation upon the suffering of Christ, for we of ourselves are incapable of proper reflection unless God instills it.
But if one does meditate rightly on the suffering of Christ for a day, an hour, or even a quarter of an hour, this we may confidently say is better than a whole year of fasting, days of psalm singing, yes, than even one hundred masses, because this reflection changes the whole man and makes him new, as once he was in baptism.
If, then, Christ is so firmly planted in your heart, and if you are become an enemy to sin out of love and not fear, then henceforth the suffering of Christ, which began as a sacrament, may continue lifelong as an example. When tribulation and sickness assail you, think how slight these are compared to the thorns and the nails of Christ. If you are thwarted, remember how he was bound and dragged. If pride besets you, see how the Lord was mocked and with robbers despised. If unchastity incites your flesh, recall how his flesh was scourged, pierced, and smitten. If hate, envy, and vengeance tempt you, think how Christ for you and all his enemies interceded with tears, though he might rather have avenged himself. If you are afflicted and cannot have your way, take heart and say, "Why should I not suffer when my Lord sweat blood for very anguish?"
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Grace of Affliction by Dr. Patrick Morley
Here's the good side of affliction as reported by David, Daniel, Hezekiah, Joseph, and Paul....
- David said, "I used to wander off until you disciplined me; but now I closely follow your word.... The suffering you sent was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your principles.... I know, O LORD, that your decisions are fair; you disciplined me because I needed it" (Psalm 119:67, 71, 75).
- Daniel said, "And some who are wise will fall victim to persecution. In this way, they will be refined and cleansed and made pure until the time of the end, for the appointed time is still to come" (Daniel 11:35).
- Hezekiah said, "Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health" (Isaiah 38:16).
- Joseph said, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:20).
- Paul said, "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Corinthians 4:17). "For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever!" (2 Corinthians 4:17).
Monday, March 15, 2010
On Loving Your Coffee and Your Neighbor by Kevin DeYoung
Entire books have been written on how the church should be more like Starbucks. Some churches house Starbucks. I imagine most Christians in this country have been to a Starbucks in the last month, or last day for that matter. Christians love coffee. So it was with curiosity that I read Kari Barbic’s review of Byrant Simon’s new book Everything But the Coffee: Learning About America from Starbucks.
The premise of the book (and the article) is that Starbucks sells more than coffee. Sure, you go there for the double tall venti creme espresso whatever (I don’t drink coffee so I don’t know what I’m talking about), but Starbucks promises you more than a cup of joe. It promises you community and a better planet.
The problem, says Simon, is that these promises are unfulfilled. Barbic explains:
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wondering Around - Seth Godin
I stumbled on a great typo last night. "Staff in the lobby were wondering around..."
Wandering around is an aimless waste of time.
Wondering around, though, that sounds useful.
Wondering why this product is the way it is, wondering how you can make the lobby more welcoming, wondering if your best customers are happily sharing your ideas with others... So many things worth wondering about, so few people actually taking the time to do it.
Wondering around is the act of inquiring with generous spirit.
Wandering around is an aimless waste of time.
Wondering around, though, that sounds useful.
Wondering why this product is the way it is, wondering how you can make the lobby more welcoming, wondering if your best customers are happily sharing your ideas with others... So many things worth wondering about, so few people actually taking the time to do it.
Wondering around is the act of inquiring with generous spirit.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 6 - The Holy of Holies)
I enter with faith and confidence into the Holy of Holies. I see the blood of Jesus Christ sprinkled on the Mercy seat. It is finished. Tatalistai ! All my debts have been paid off – paid in full. I am a free man, free from bondage to sin of any kind. Through the Blood I have the impartation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ! I am God’s righteousness in Christ. I come into the presence of God without feeling any condemnation because of what Christ has already accomplished for me.
The blood is the answer – it is the final solution for me.
I praise you, Father, for the wonderful, incredible blessing of righteousness imparted to me, your servant, through your Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, that the devil is my defeated enemy through the Blood of Christ. I will not bow to the fear
of the roaring lion. He is bluffing and he is defeated.
The Commandments in the Ark
Christ’s blood annuls the power of the law that would make me work for righteousness. The law is my mirror now, not my master. It helps me to clean my face, my conscience. The law does not condemn me.
Christ is my Lord. His blood is the final, finished work that redeems me. The law shows me how to please God and helps me understand when I have grieved and disobeyed God – but it is not my condemner. The blood has changed that forever for me as a New Testament Christian.
No human works or achievements are required for my salvation. Only to believe – only faith in the finished work of the Cross.
Thank you, Father, that the blood is my deliverance from sin. The blood is my impartation of Christ’s righteousness. The blood brings my freedom from fear of Satan. The blood is my freedom from the law of the Old Testament. The blood is my freedom from human works to achieve right standing with you, O Lord!
Ripple Prayer
In the Holy of Holies, I pray my own personal requests through what Dr. Cho calls the ripple prayer. I pray for those closest to me and work out from there like a stone making a ripple on the water. Now I am truly ready to have my prayers answered and my petitions heard. I bring them humbly before the Lord with faith and confidence that he hears me and will answer my prayers.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 5- The Altar of Incense)
Father, you are omnipotent. You can do anything and I will believe you. Give me perfect faith in Jesus Christ.
I CHOOSE by exercising my free will today. I choose to believe YOU! I reject fear and doubt. I will never
choose either of them.
I trust you. I trust your Word. I trust you, Holy Spirit. You are always with me, you will never leave me or
forsake me. John 14:20 says you are in me! That’s where you live. Make yourself very real to me today!
(Here at the Altar of Incense we often stand for several minutes and simply praise God by singing in the Spirit or praying as the Lord would lead you)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 4- The Table of Showbread)
The Showbread is the symbol of the Word of God.
Thank you for your logos word and your Rehma word. Thank you for the written word and the inspired Word of God. All the 7,000+ promises of God are written in the scriptures.
The logos written word is potentially mine, but not necessarily practically mine today. Rehma is inspired
word made alive in my heart today for a specific application.
Give my Lord, your specific word – your Rehma Word – for my life today. Give me this day my daily bread.
Peter never walked on water by reading about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea . He requested Jesus to command him to walk on the water.
“And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And Jesus, you did that one time.
A specific Rehma word came directly from the Lord to Peter for a specific situation. He heard, faith came to Peter and just to Peter, by hearing – hearing the Rehma Word from the Lord Jesus to his specific request.
The other disciples did not respond; the Rehma word was not for them. Jesus did not call them to walk on the water. They didn’t have the faith or necessarily the desire to do that which Peter did at that moment. Even Peter’s faith wavered as he saw himself miraculously walking on the water. (Mat 14:28)
As his faith in that Rhema Word wavered, he became as a wave driven and tossed by the sea – double minded, lacking in faith – and he sank. As he cried out, Jesus, you saved him and brought him into the boat. And so that miracle was over for that specific time.
Peter did not step out of the boat by the written word but by the specific spoken word of the Lord he heard. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rehma Word of God.
So I must wait on you, Lord, today – if I want to get your inspired Word. Knowledge can become a kind of false faith. I want true faith from you today, Lord! Operating on knowledge only can be disobeying you. I want to obey you in all things today.
Naming and claiming promises my finger lands on in scripture is a dangerous business. Waiting on you, Lord, for Rehma is the way of the mature disciple.
Jesus, you spoke of this truth when you said: Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the MOUTH of God. (Mat 4:4)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 3- The Holy Place)
I open the curtain and walk into the Holy Place . There I see the candlesticks, symbolic of the Holy Spirit, the sevenfold Spirit of God: wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord, holiness.
Holy Spirit, I welcome a deeper more intimate relationship with you today. Dear Holy Spirit, through your anointing give me your wisdom. Help me to solve all the problems I face through your wisdom.
Give me your understanding so that I may understand the deep truths of God, and I may live those truths and pass them on to my children.
Give me counsel so that I will follow your narrow path. If it pleases you, allow me to advise others how to solve their problems.
Give me tremendous might so that I might be used by you to heal the sick and cast out the devil. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Holy Spirit, increase my knowledge of the Bible. Give me a keen fear of the Lord so that I walk very softly before you and not commit any sin. Give me holiness though your presence, O Lord!
Holy Spirit you are a person, not a genie. The Father worked in the forefront during the Old Testament and Jesus worked in the New; I live in the Age of the Holy Spirit.
I don’t want to catch quail with my bare hands. I want your wind to blow the quail into my camp. I want to depend on you, Holy Spirit, not my own strength.
You are not an acrobat. You are a Holy Person with a will, and emotions. Forgive me for treating you impersonally. You should be welcomed, loved, caressed, adored, worshipped. You are my senior partner, you are my Lord. I depend upon you. Let’s go, Holy Spirit. Thank you for your anointing. Let’s work together. I will follow you.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 2- The Laver)
Station 2. THE LAVER
Lord, I Invite You, Expose Sin In Me
Here, we clean our consciences every day like taking a bath or shower. The priests wash their hands, feet and face at the Laver. It is a looking glass. Before I go into the Holy Place , I look at myself in the Laver –what is wrong in my heart. I reflect on the 10 commandments. I desire a clear conscience. I cannot drag my guilty conscience into your presence, Lord. You won’t allow it.
Commandment 1 – Do I worship any other Gods? Do I put myself (self worship) ahead of (worship of Jesus)? There is only one God, in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Forgive me, Lord, for dishonoring you by entertaining other gods.
Commandment 2 – Do I bow to any idols? Have I placed my role as husband, father, career person ahead of my role as a priest unto the Lord? Am I giving the first fruits of my day to something else? Am I worshiping graven images of money or power? Forgive me for dishonoring you by worshipping idols.
Commandment 3 – Do I call God’s name in vain – any of God’s names? Forgive me for dishonoring you by taking any of your names in vain.
Commandment 4 – Do I honor God by keeping the Sabbath Holy? Am I paying tithes and keeping the Sabbath before expecting blessing from Lord? Forgive me for dishonoring your Sabbath commandment. Teach me your ways!
Commandment 5 - Do I honor my parents or blame my parents for my problems? Do I dishonor those you put in authority over me – pastors, government leaders, school board, etc.? Do I gossip about them? Forgive us, Father, for the negative influence of American culture that disrespects our parents and dishonors You. May I be free from that influence. Forgive me for dishonoring my parents and any in authority over me. And where is the honor due You? Forgive me for dishonoring You, my Father in heaven.
Commandment 6 - Do I kill by hating? In what ways am I programming my mind or the minds of my children to hate or be angry or hold prejudice against anyone? I forgive others right now. I release all offenses. I repent of any angry words spoken. Forgive me for dishonoring you through angry words and hatred. O Lord, deliver me from an angry, bitter heart. Only you can do this. I have failed in controlling anger that rises up in me. Only you can give me the grace to have victory over this.
Commandment 7 - Do I commit adultery or entertain lustful thoughts? Forgive me for dishonoring you by being sexually impure. Cleanse me and make me holy! Give me the fear of the Lord. Help me to walk softly before you. Deliver me from the idolatry of the female form. Deliver me from unhealthy appetites.
Commandment 8 - Am I stealing -- from You, Lord, or anyone? Am I squandering or misusing Your gifts to me? Am I dishonest in my work, taking anything without paying for it or without permission? Forgive me for poor stewardship, for stealing or squandering time, talents, treasures from you, Lord. Forgive me for my dishonest gains and give me grace to return or restore what I have taken wrongly. Make me a good steward of your temple, my body, and all these things You’ve given me to manage as a priest in your temple.
Commandment 9 - Am I witnessing falsely? Forgive me for lying. Forgive me for being a false witness of Jesus. Forgive me for believing false ideas and vain philosphies. I want to be a true witness of Jesus Christ. Forgive me for dishonoring You by trusting false things. Give me the way, the truth, and the life in Jesus Christ!
Commandment 10 – Am I coveting? Am I coveting things you don’t want me to have –my neighbor’s house, car, reputation, wife, children, lifestyle? Covetousness is the first sin – the downfall of Eve and Adam that caused their disobedience. Am I coveting anything? My American lifestyle? All blessings are from the Lord. I am grateful for my (spouse), my home, my career, my children. All abundance is from You, Lord. You are the source of all blessings and abundance. Forgive me for dishonoring you by wanting anything outside of your will for me. God, you are a good God – an abundant God. You have a desire to bless me more than I do! I release my time, I release my money so you can make open space in my life. I want to receive your abundance and blessing! Your will be done. Make open spaces in my life. All this happens through the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ. I worship Jesus at the Laver in the Courtyard of the Tabernacle.
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