Recently I taught through Matthew 10 at our Friday morning Man in the Mirror Bible Study. I described the chapter as "Jesus Pilot Tests the Great Commission."
After spending two years with his disciples, Jesus selected the 12 men he wanted, then sent them to pilot test his strategy for Total Global Conquest. The Great Commission is for us too. In praying for his disciples, Jesus said, "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.... I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message" (John 17:18, 20).
During one of several messages on Matthew 10, I told the men I had a couple of hard things to say. First, "If you are getting better treatment than described in Matthew 10, are you sure you are on the right path?" Second, "You either need to do the work (of making disciples), get trained to do the work, or admit that you're not really in the deal."
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