Once we invited Bill Walton, co-founder of Holiday Inns who experienced a late-in-life conversion, to speak at an outreach dinner. As it happened, our Bible study was meeting the next morning so I invited Mr. Walton.
The next morning after our Bible Study, a group of about eight men, ages thirty to forty-five, each spent two or three minutes describing where they were on their spiritual pilgrimages.
As each successive man shared, I noticed Mr. Walton, a father of four, becoming more and more fidgety. Finally, it was his turn to speak. He said, "It is true that I helped build a great corporation. But to do so I arrived at the office every morning by seven and rarely got home before ten o'clock at night." His brow furrowed, his shoulders drooped, and his lip quivered as he added, "I never saw a single little league baseball game."
He paused and stared sadly into our faces as though he could see the future. He took a deep breath to gather himself. Then, with trembling fists and booming voice, the room rattled as he roared, "I exhort you young men. Learn to live by biblical priorities!" More...
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