If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Public Prayer of Confession and Repentance
God our Father, we kneel before you guilty of sin.
As a group, we have failed to reflect your Glory.
To those in our families and to others around us.
We have been preoccupied with our own concerns.
We have ignored or resented the needs of others.
Those outside of our own people, communities or groups.
As for your world with all its opportunity to be reached and blessed.
We have turned our backs on your commands.
Lord, our hearts are darkened apart from your promise to forgive us.
If we will confess and repent of our sins, You will forgive us and heal our land.
Lord, we are weak. Help us to do this.
Today, we choose to stop!
One by one, we acknowledge our sins before you.
Everyone of us has our own list of offenses before a Holy Lord.
We no longer compare ourselves by our neighbors standards.
But by your standard, your Holy Word.
You said, 'be holy as I Am Holy."
We invite your Holy Spirit to search out every area of our life.
To help us address our sin, heal our deepest wounds and transform our hearts.
Lord, we will seek forgiveness and reconciliation with those we we have sinned against.
Lord, we start with you. Forgive us....