Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Heirs Together of the Grace of Life by Jack Hayford

Wives…husbands…being heirs together of the grace of life…. (1 Peter 3:1, 7)
It is unlike anything else on the face of the planet! 

I’m speaking of the unique dynamic in Jesus Christ that is released when a married couple recognizes the power of their agreement in prayer. Spirit-filled living is central to the powerful possibilities of the married couple. As God develops a husband and wife’s relationship, they begin to exist as a unique identity—the one He designed them to become when the two were joined. There is no counterpart to it in all of creation. When the Bible says that “the two shall become one” (Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:8; Eph. 5:31),  it is saying much more about their union than that periodically a husband and wife are joined sexually. The two become another entity; a sum greater than their parts. There is an awesome potential in the marriage partnership, but it’s available only when built upon the foundation of a growing relationship between husband and wife. 


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