Thursday, September 27, 2012

Six Ways to Find Unforgiveness and Remove It by Joyce Meyer

Most all of us like getting promoted, and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes we fail tests in certain areas that keep us from getting promoted.

Areas like forgiveness.

If someone has hurt you, don't spend the next 10 years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, that other person isn't even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person—you.

You see, when you forgive someone, you are helping yourself.
To help you understand the importance of forgiveness, here are six ways to detect unforgiveness in your own heart. Once exposed, you'll be one step closer to your personal promotion from God.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Disciples Resource!

Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World 

By Dr. Brian Campbell - Assisted by Rev. Jim Angelakos

The Bible is best mental health text book ever written! And God's Word is the best counselor. "Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World" focuses on 33 topics relevant to psychological problems encountered by Christians. It is designed for people who are hurting and the counselors who help them.

Whatever your problem or concern may be, there is no greater authority for living than God's Holy Word. "Godly Counsel" contains over 1400 scriptures for counsel and guidance.

Topics: Abortion; Addictions; Adolescent Rebellion; Anger; Anxiety/Worry/Fear; Backsliding; Belief/Salvation; Christ, Who He Is; Citizenship; Communication; Death & Dying; Depression; Divorce; Forgive/Forgiveness; Grief; Judgmental; Love; Marriage; Money/Riches; Parenting; Persecution; Prayer; Pride; Self-Esteem, Low; Sexual Sin; Sin; Suffering; Temptation; Thinking, Healthy; Trouble/Hardship; Truth; Unemployment; Weak/Tired

Thursday, September 20, 2012

FULL OF HOPE by David Wilkerson

Joshua and Caleb were among the twelve spies sent to spy out the Promised Land. They didn't shed tears, bemoaning the conditions they had found. Rather, they rejoiced after searching out the land and came back full of hope, faith and vision.

Do you know Christians like this? They are always rejoicing. You know they are enduring awful trials, yet they seem to know how to get hold of God in the midst of their situation.

What about you? Are you always down, always complaining? Perhaps your personal problems or family situations have possessed you and eaten up your soul. Beloved, no matter what you are going through, you are precious to God. If you come to Him with a repentant heart and a hungry soul, He will give you His vision and hope. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Christlike, Walking the Walk by Dr. Brian Campbell

Christlike, Walking the Walk

Authored by Dr. Brian Campbell, Assisted by Rev. Jim Angelakos, Forward by Rev. Dwight Bain

What does a mentally healthy Christian look like? How does s/he think, react emotionally, and behave? Christian psychologist, Dr. Brian Campbell, delves deeply into the scriptures to give you a unique insight into the mind of a mentally healthy Christian, while at the same time showing you how the truths contained in God's word can help set you free from the tyrrany of false beliefs and lies prevalent in our culture.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Reality of Being More Than a Conqueror in Life by Joyce Meyer

Romans 8:37 says that Christians are “more than conquerors” in this world. But do we really know what it means to be more than a conqueror? I know it took many years for me to learn what it means and how to live the victorious life Jesus died to give us as believers.

Learning to Conquer...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mentors Resource!

Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World 

By Dr. Brian Campbell - Assisted by Rev. Jim Angelakos

The Bible is best mental health text book ever written! And God's Word is the best counselor. "Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World" focuses on 33 topics relevant to psychological problems encountered by Christians. It is designed for people who are hurting and the counselors who help them.

Whatever your problem or concern may be, there is no greater authority for living than God's Holy Word. "Godly Counsel" contains over 1400 scriptures for counsel and guidance.

Topics: Abortion; Addictions; Adolescent Rebellion; Anger; Anxiety/Worry/Fear; Backsliding; Belief/Salvation; Christ, Who He Is; Citizenship; Communication; Death & Dying; Depression; Divorce; Forgive/Forgiveness; Grief; Judgmental; Love; Marriage; Money/Riches; Parenting; Persecution; Prayer; Pride; Self-Esteem, Low; Sexual Sin; Sin; Suffering; Temptation; Thinking, Healthy; Trouble/Hardship; Truth; Unemployment; Weak/Tired

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Reach 3 Challenge

The Reach 3 Challenge works for men across the continuum. It encourages men early in their walk to develop intentional relationships with non-Christians. For guys farther along, it helps them create opportunities to share the gospel.
Give out Reach 3 Challenge cards with the following instructions:
  1. Prayerfully identify three men not known to be Christians from your work, neighborhood or recreational activities.
  2. Pray everyday for their salvation, as well as their marriages, relationships, jobs, and other areas of their lives.
  3. Invite each of them to lunch. This is a "no agenda" lunch. You're not trying to sell them something. You just want to get to know them.
  4. Be their friend. Talk to them about their life, their struggles and their triumphs. Allow your relationship with them to develop naturally. Ask how you can pray for them. Check back to see how they are doing.
  5. As appropriate, invite them to a men's activity or church event.
  6. (For more spiritually mature men) Be prepared to show them how the gospel has changed your life. Be ready to share your testimony and a simple overview of what it means to accept and follow Him.
Prepare your men for the Reach 3 Challenge:
  • Encourage a man you meet with regularly to take the Reach 3 Challenge with you. This could be especially powerful for a younger man you are mentoring. The goal is not "converting someone," but to develop a relationship and trust with a non-Christian.
  • In a regular men's Bible Study group, take a meeting to talk about sharing your faith. The story of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a good passage to use (Acts 8). Distribute the cards along with a testimony prep sheet.
  • Make evangelism a focus of a series of talks in a men's Sunday School class or small group. Use Personalizing the Great Commission or another evangelism training curriculum.
Reach 3 Testimony Worksheet
  1. Begin with an attention-getting sentence.
    Example: One day I realized that my life was completely empty and without
  2. Before I received Christ I lived and thought this way:
    Example: I was living only for myself; my wife and kids were more of a burden than a benefit in my life; success was not bringing fulfillment.
  3. How I received Christ:
    Example: A friend of mine was there for me during a tough time. Over time, he explained his faith in Jesus Christ. The more I learned, the more I realized the truth. I decided to commit myself to following Jesus too.
  4. After I received Christ these changes took place in my life:
    Example: I feel like I have a purpose; I see my family as a great blessing; people tell me they can see a difference in my attitude and priorities.
Adapted from Personalizing the Great Commission: Your Action Plan from Man in the Mirror

© 2012. Patrick Morley. (Man in the Mirror) All rights reserved. This article may be reproduced for non-commercial ministry purposes with proper attribution.·

Reach 3 Challenge Cards

Friday, September 7, 2012

Christlike, Walking the Walk by Dr. Brian Cambell

Christlike, Walking the Walk

Authored by Dr. Brian Campbell, Assisted by Rev. Jim Angelakos, Forward by Rev. Dwight Bain

What does a mentally healthy Christian look like? How does s/he think, react emotionally, and behave? Christian psychologist, Dr. Brian Campbell, delves deeply into the scriptures to give you a unique insight into the mind of a mentally healthy Christian, while at the same time showing you how the truths contained in God's word can help set you free from the tyrrany of false beliefs and lies prevalent in our culture.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

ACCEPT HIS LOVE by David Wilkerson

It does not matter what you do to try to clean yourself up. If you don't trust Jesus to save you through His grace, all your righteousness is as filthy rags in God's sight. Your flesh isn't accepted before God; it can't even be reformed. All flesh was done away with at the cross and now a new Man has come forth—the Christ-man—and true faith is having confidence in what He did for you.

You may say, "I find it hard to believe that a troubled, failing Christian like me could be precious to God. He has to be disgusted with me, because my life is so up-and-down. I have problems I can't seem to get through. Oh, I believe He still loves me but surely He is disappointed in me because I have failed Him so often!"

Please understand: Isaiah's wonderful prophecy of grace (see Isaiah 43:1-5) was spoken to a people who had been robbed, snared in holes and cast into prison—all because of their own foolishness and unbelief. It was at such a point that God said to them, "Now, after all your failures, I come to you with this message of hope—and it is all because you are Mine."


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