Monday, September 10, 2012

The Reach 3 Challenge

The Reach 3 Challenge works for men across the continuum. It encourages men early in their walk to develop intentional relationships with non-Christians. For guys farther along, it helps them create opportunities to share the gospel.
Give out Reach 3 Challenge cards with the following instructions:
  1. Prayerfully identify three men not known to be Christians from your work, neighborhood or recreational activities.
  2. Pray everyday for their salvation, as well as their marriages, relationships, jobs, and other areas of their lives.
  3. Invite each of them to lunch. This is a "no agenda" lunch. You're not trying to sell them something. You just want to get to know them.
  4. Be their friend. Talk to them about their life, their struggles and their triumphs. Allow your relationship with them to develop naturally. Ask how you can pray for them. Check back to see how they are doing.
  5. As appropriate, invite them to a men's activity or church event.
  6. (For more spiritually mature men) Be prepared to show them how the gospel has changed your life. Be ready to share your testimony and a simple overview of what it means to accept and follow Him.
Prepare your men for the Reach 3 Challenge:
  • Encourage a man you meet with regularly to take the Reach 3 Challenge with you. This could be especially powerful for a younger man you are mentoring. The goal is not "converting someone," but to develop a relationship and trust with a non-Christian.
  • In a regular men's Bible Study group, take a meeting to talk about sharing your faith. The story of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a good passage to use (Acts 8). Distribute the cards along with a testimony prep sheet.
  • Make evangelism a focus of a series of talks in a men's Sunday School class or small group. Use Personalizing the Great Commission or another evangelism training curriculum.
Reach 3 Testimony Worksheet
  1. Begin with an attention-getting sentence.
    Example: One day I realized that my life was completely empty and without
  2. Before I received Christ I lived and thought this way:
    Example: I was living only for myself; my wife and kids were more of a burden than a benefit in my life; success was not bringing fulfillment.
  3. How I received Christ:
    Example: A friend of mine was there for me during a tough time. Over time, he explained his faith in Jesus Christ. The more I learned, the more I realized the truth. I decided to commit myself to following Jesus too.
  4. After I received Christ these changes took place in my life:
    Example: I feel like I have a purpose; I see my family as a great blessing; people tell me they can see a difference in my attitude and priorities.
Adapted from Personalizing the Great Commission: Your Action Plan from Man in the Mirror

© 2012. Patrick Morley. (Man in the Mirror) All rights reserved. This article may be reproduced for non-commercial ministry purposes with proper attribution.·

Reach 3 Challenge Cards

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