Monday, April 27, 2015

Leadership Bundle: Resources For Counseling, Mentoring and Coaching

Counseling, Mentoring and Coaching Resources

The Leadership expert, John Maxwell, brings you an in-depth look at God’s laws for leaders and leadership. The Bible contains time-tested and irrefutable principles of leadership. John C. Maxwell has assembled these biblical teachings to equip and encourage leaders and those who serve with them to meet the challenges of the 21st century. 

Godly Counsel: Scriptures For Today's World (Dr. Brian Campbell, Jim Angelakos)

The Bible is best mental health text book ever written! And God's Word is the best counselor. "Godly Counsel" focuses on 33 topics relevant to psychological problems encountered by Christians. It is designed for people who are hurting and the counselors who help them. 

Pastoring Men (Dr. Patrick Morley)

Through proven and practical strategies, Pastoring Men helps pastors to effectively reach and disciple all of the men they shepherd.   

Pastoring Men is an insightful and practical tool to increase your influence with your men.  Read this book!  You won't be disappointed! - John C. Maxwell

Christlike: Walking The Walk (Dr. Brian Campbell)

What does a mentally healthy Christian look like? How does s/he think, react emotionally, and behave? Christian psychologist, Dr. Brian Campbell, delves deeply into the scriptures to give you a unique insight into the mind of a mentally healthy Christian, while at the same time showing you how the truths contained in God's word can help set you free from the tyrrany of false beliefs and lies prevalent in our culture.

All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. To help people uncover their talents.

Rick Renner unlocks an amazing cache of rich, enduring treasures mined from deep within the Word to unveil a wealth of brilliant wisdom and sound counsel that will enrich and redefine your life. 

Spiritual Leadership (Henry and Richard Blackaby)

How God develops, guides, and empowers spiritual leaders.

J. Oswald Sanders presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms, illustrating his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God (Moses, Nehemiah, Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others). He writes that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God.

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