Monday, February 22, 2010

Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho (Station 4- The Table of Showbread)


The Showbread is the symbol of the Word of God.

Thank you for your logos word and your Rehma word. Thank you for the written word and the inspired Word of God. All the 7,000+ promises of God are written in the scriptures.

The logos written word is potentially mine, but not necessarily practically mine today. Rehma is inspired
word made alive in my heart today for a specific application.

Give my Lord, your specific word – your Rehma Word – for my life today. Give me this day my daily bread.

Peter never walked on water by reading about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. He requested Jesus to command him to walk on the water.

And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.And Jesus, you did that one time.

A specific Rehma word came directly from the Lord to Peter for a specific situation. He heard, faith came to Peter and just to Peter, by hearing – hearing the Rehma Word from the Lord Jesus to his specific request.

The other disciples did not respond; the Rehma word was not for them. Jesus did not call them to walk on the water. They didn’t have the faith or necessarily the desire to do that which Peter did at that moment. Even Peter’s faith wavered as he saw himself miraculously walking on the water. (Mat 14:28)

As his faith in that Rhema Word wavered, he became as a wave driven and tossed by the sea – double minded, lacking in faith – and he sank. As he cried out, Jesus, you saved him and brought him into the boat. And so that miracle was over for that specific time.

Peter did not step out of the boat by the written word but by the specific spoken word of the Lord he heard. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rehma Word of God.

So I must wait on you, Lord, today – if I want to get your inspired Word. Knowledge can become a kind of false faith. I want true faith from you today, Lord! Operating on knowledge only can be disobeying you. I want to obey you in all things today.

Naming and claiming promises my finger lands on in scripture is a dangerous business. Waiting on you, Lord, for Rehma is the way of the mature disciple.

Jesus, you spoke of this truth when you said: Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the MOUTH of God. (Mat 4:4)

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